Our Services

We have designed a very convenient, informative, easy-to-use app named KHETIBOT which provides a one-stop solution to the agricultural industry. The farmers can manage, upload, share their business and sensor data, get proper information and training using this app. The small and marginal farmers are able to integrate with the real market and get government agricultural updates through this digital platform

Know Your Soil

Small scale and marginal farmers can know the productivity and fertility of the soil. It would also help them determine what fertilizers and ammendments they need to add before getting started


Farmers and agripreneurs can increase their operating margin by boosting revenue and increasing efficiency. Agrisolution mainly connect 3 dots- field agent , agroinput company and farmer


Agri-inputs have played a significant role in transforming the post independence economy, dependent on food grain inputs, into a self sufficient economy. It comprises of bio-inputs, farm machineries, inorganic inputs and seeds

Agriculture Financing

Agri-financing is the provision of multiple service providing support to both on and off farm agriculture activities and bussiness. This includes support on production, distribution, wholesale processing and marketing


Agri-output is a integrative result for hardwork , skills and fate of farming personnel. This service includes the revokation of middleman who have become hurdles for the farmers to earn high profit



Agripreneurship means entrepreneurship in agriculture. It encompasses transforming a vision into a business venture. Our services will help the innovative farmers to uplift themselves and develop as a entrepreneur

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